Java Reference
In-Depth Information
You override the paint method to actually perform drawing. The caller passes this
method a single argument: an instance of Graphics that you use to actually perform draw-
ing. Your paint operation should repaint every pixel within the region defined by the
Graphics object's clipping, because it may have resulted from multiple repaint calls. Note
that the Graphics instance is only valid within your paint method; you definitely should
not cache aside the Graphics instance you receive to use after exiting the paint method.
On early Java ME devices, graphics operations to the screen were slow, and applications that did a lot
of painting showed visible artifacts such as flickering or tearing of the image as the platform inter-
leaved drawing operations with screen refreshes. Although a much rarer problem today, this can still be
a challenge, especially if you're implementing a fast-paced game or similarly demanding application.
To avoid visual artifacts from display updates while drawing, you use a technique called double
buffering or ping-pong buffering , in which you perform all of your drawing operations on an offscreen
bitmap, and then when you're done with all of the drawing operations, you transfer that image to the
display. Newer versions of the MIDP support double buffering; you can query the Canvas directly by
invoking Canvas.isDoubleBuffered . If this method returns true , the MIDP implementation will ren-
der the results of your paint operation into an offscreen bitmap and transfer the bitmap at appropriate
times to the display's framebuffer, preventing visual artifacts.
If the platform does not support double buffering, you can implement double buffering yourself.
Instead of drawing with the Graphics object that the platform passes to your item's paint method,
create an instance of javax.microedition.lcdui.Image to buffer all of your drawing operations.
Then, invoke the new image's getGraphics method to obtain the Graphics object associated with the
image, and do all the drawing with that Graphics object. When you're done, render the image directly
to the screen using the Graphics object passed to your paint method, like this:
void paint(Graphics g) {
int w = getWidth();
int h = getHeight();
Image buffer = Image.createImage(w, h);
Graphics bg = buffer.getGraphics();
bg.drawRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
g.drawImage( buffer, 0, 0 );
If you're only doing simple graphics updates or updating a small region of the screen, the memory
overhead imposed by double buffering may be more expensive than it's worth and cause performance
penalties of its own. As a result, you should test your code carefully to determine if double buffering is
actually necessary.
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