Java Reference
In-Depth Information
• Determine whether the screen supports color or grayscale
• Determine the number of colors and alpha levels supported by the display
• Get the border style and user-selectable color for the foreground and background
• Flash the display backlight
• Obtain the best image bounds for an Alert
• Get the currently shown Displayable
• Set the currently shown Displayable
• Vibrate the device using the vibration motor
What exactly is the Displayable interface for? The hierarchy in Figure 5-2 shows the
relationship between the Display , what it can display ( Displayable classes), and Item
classes, which Displayable s contain to make up complex user interfaces.
As you can see in Figure 5-2, the Display must have a corresponding Displayable
object to display to the user. Displayable objects come in several flavors. The Canvas class
provides the lowest level of access to graphics, permitting you to intercept raw events and
draw directly to the screen. Its subclass, GameCanvas , provides some simple abstractions to
facilitate porting applications to a variety of devices. For a more high-level approach to
the user-interface layout, there is the Screen subclass and its subclasses Form , Alert ,
TextBox , and List . The last three are high-level abstractions, handling all of the layout and
event handling, while Form lets you group one or more Item objects—things such as text
and date fields, for example.
If you're familiar with either Java AWT or Swing, it's important to realize that the user-
interface model for MIDlets is very different. Two key differences affect how you design
your user interface from the outset. First, you have no real control over the layout of your
application. Unlike the rich Java UI frameworks provided by AWT and Swing, the layout
of your user interface is completely controlled by the Screen class and its subclasses,
which typically have a simplistic layout policy. Second, MIDlets have no implementation
of the model-view-controller (MVC) paradigm, so if you're used to using MVC, you will
need to implement it yourself.
The architects of the MIDP imposed these limitations to permit MIDlets to run on
the widest possible variety of devices and to ease application porting between devices
without requiring a heavyweight all-Java user interface such as that provided by Swing.
Unfortunately, these limitations do come with a downside: it's nearly impossible to create
a truly bespoke user interface. Different devices generally present the user with differing
user interfaces; these changes may be small or may grossly affect the appearance of your
application. If you're looking to create a UI with a very specific control appearance and
placement, you'll need to code that from the ground up using the Canvas or GameCanvas
classes. I discuss that later in this chapter.
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