Travel Reference
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televisore (m) television
televisore a schermo
panoramico (m)
widescreen TV
telo da spiaggia (m)
beach towel
temperatura (f) temperature
tempestoso/a stormy
tempo time
tempo (m) weather
tenda (f) tent
tenda veneziana (f)
Venetian blind
tennis (m) tennis
tergicristallo (m) windshield
terminal (m) terminal
termostato (m) thermostat
testa (f) head
testimone (m/f) witness
thermos (m) vacuum flask
torace (m) chest
torcia (f) flashlight
tosse (f) cough
tovagliolo (m) napkin
traghetto (m) ferry
travellers cheque (m)
traveler's check
tre three
treno (m) train
trenta thirty
troppo too
trovare to find
T-shirt (f) T-shirt
tu you
turista (m/f) tourist
tutto/i all
TV satellitare (f) satelliteTV
U, V, Y, Z
ufficio del turismo (m)
tourist information office
ufficio oggetti smarriti (m)
lost property
ufficio postale (m) post
ultimo/a last
umido/a humid
undici eleven
unghia (f) nail
uno/a one
uomo (m) man
urgente urgent
usare to use
uscita (f) exit
uscita d'imbarco (f)
boarding gate
utile useful
vacanza (f) vacation
valigetta (f) briefcase
valigia (f) suitcase
valore (m) value
vedere to see
vegetariano/a vegetarian
vela (f) sailing
veloce fast; quick
vendere to sell
venerdì Friday
venire to come
venti twenty
ventilatore (m) fan
ventoso/a windy
veramente really
verde green
vespa (f) wasp
vetro (m) glass
via (f) street; way
viaggio (m) travel
vicino close (near)
vicino a beside; by; next to
videogioco (m) video game
vidimare to validate
vigneto (m) vineyard
villaggio (m) village
vino (m) wine
violenza carnale (f) rape
visita guidata (f) guided tour
visitatore (m) visitor
viso (m) face
vista (f) view
visto (m) visa
voi you (pl)
volante (f) police car
volere to want
volo (m) flight
yacht (m) yacht
yoga (m) yoga
zaino (m) backpack
zoo (m) zoo
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