Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
cestino da picnic (m)
picnic basket
check-in (m) check in
chi? who?
chiamata a carico del
destinatario (f) collect
chiave (f) key
chiavetta USB (f) memory
chiesa (f) church
chilo (m) kilo
chilometro (m) kilometer
chiudere to close
chiudere a chiave to lock
chiuso/a closed
ci sono there are
ciao hello
ciascuno each
cibo (m) food
cin cin! cheers!
cinema (m) movie theater
cinquanta fifty
cinque five
cintura (f) belt
circa about
città (f) city; town
clacson (m) horn
cofano (m) hood (car)
colazione (f) breakfast
colino (m) colander
collana (f) necklace
collo (m) neck
collutorio (m) mouthwash
colpire to knock down
coltello (m) knife
come as; how; like
come? how
commissariato (m) police
completo (m) suit
comprare to buy
comprendere to understand
compressa (f) pill; tablet
computer (m) computer
computer portatile (m)
con with
concerto (m) concert
connettersi to log on
conoscere to know (people)
consigliare to recommend
consolato (m) consulate
console (m) consul
contento/a happy
contenuto (m) contents
conto (m) bill; check
conto bancario (m) bank
controllo passaporti (m)
passport control
coperta (f) blanket
coppia (f) pair
corda (f) string
cornice (f) photo frame
corpo (m) body
corriere (m) courier
corsia (f) ward
cosa? what?
così so
costa (f) coast
costume (m) swimsuit
crema (f) cream
crema per il corpo (f) body
cruscotto (m) dashboard
cuccetta (f) sleeper berth
cucchiaino (m) teaspoon
cucchiaio (m) spoon
cucina (f) kitchen
cuscino (m) pillow
da by; from
danneggiato/a damaged
danza (f) ballet
dare to give
dare la precedenza to
give way
data di scadenza (f)
sell-by date
davanti front; in front of;
delizioso/a delicious
denaro (m) cash; money
denti (m pl) teeth
dentifricio (m) toothpaste
dentista (m) dentist
denuncia (f) report (noun)
denunciare to report
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