Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The gender of Italian nouns is shown by the abbreviations (m)
for masculine and (f) for feminine. Plural nouns are followed
by the abbreviations (m pl) or (f pl). Adjectives vary according
to the gender and number of the word they describe. Here the
masculine singular form (usually “o”) is shown, followed by the
alternative feminine ending (usually “a”).
a at
abbastanza quite
abiti (m pl) clothes
abito (m) dress
abito da sera (m) evening
accamparsi to camp
accappatoio (m) bathrobe
accendere to light
accendino (m) lighter
acceso on (light)
accesso per i disabili (m)
wheelchair access
acqua (f) water
adattatore (m) adapter
addebitare to charge
adulto (m) adult
aerobica (f) aerobics
aeroplano (m) airplane
aeroporto (m) airport
affittare to rent
affrettarsi to hurry
agenzia assicurativa (f)
insurance company
agosto August
airbag (m) airbag
aiutare to help
albergo (m) hotel
album delle fotografie (m)
photo album
alcuni/e some
aliscafo (m) hydrofoil
allarme antincendio (m)
fire alarm
allergico/a allergic
allora then
altro/a other; un altro/
un'altra another
ambasciata (f) embassy
ambulanza (f) ambulance
ambulatorio (m) doctor's
americano/a (m/f)
amico/a (m/f) friend
analisi del sangue (f pl)
blood test
anche too (also)
ancora again
andare to go
andare a cavallo
horseback riding
andare in discoteca to go
andare dritto to go straight
animale (m) domestico
(m) pet
anno (m) year
antibiotici (m pl) antibiotics
antidolorifico (m) painkiller
anziano/a (m/f) senior
ape (f) bee
aperto/a open
appartamento (m)
appendiabiti (m) coat
appuntamento (m)
apribottiglie (m) bottle/can
aprile April
aprire to open
arancione orange (color)
area giochi (f) playground
aria condizionata (f)
air conditioning
arrivare to arrive
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