Travel Reference
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paglia e fieno mixed plain
and green tagliatelle
paillard di manzo slices
of grilled beef
paillard di vitello slices
of grilled veal
pane bread
panino filled roll; bread roll
panna cream
parmigiana di melanzane
aubergines baked with
pasta al forno pasta baked
in white sauce and grated
pasta e fagioli thick soup
with borlotti beans and
pasta rings
pasta e piselli pasta
with peas
pasticcio di fegato d'oca
baked pasta dish with
goose liver
pasticcio di lepre baked
pasta dish with hare
pasticcio di maccheroni
baked macaroni
pastina in brodo soup with
small pasta
patate potatoes
patate al forno/arrosto
roast potatoes
patate fritte french fries
patate in insalata potato
Pecorino strong, hard
cheese made from sheep's
penne pasta quills
penne ai quattro formaggi
pasta with four cheeses
penne all'arrabbiata pasta
with tomato and chilli
pepper sauce
penne panna e prosciutto
pasta with cream and ham
pepe pepper (spice)
manzo beef
marroni large chestnuts
Marsala fortified wine
marzapane marzipan
Mascarpone soft, mild
medaglioni di vitello
veal medallions
mela apple
melagrana pomegranate
melanzane eggplant
melone melon
menta mint
meringata meringue pie
merluzzo cod
merluzzo alla pizzaiola
cod in tomato sauce with
anchovies and capers
merluzzo in bianco cod
with oil and lemon
messicani in gelatina rolls
of veal in jelly
millefoglie pastry layered
with custard
minestra in brodo
noodle soup
minestrone vegetable soup
with rice or pasta
mirtilli bilberries
more mulberries or
moscato sweet wine
mousse al cioccolato
chocolate mousse
Mozzarella soft cheese
mozzarella in carrozza
fried slices of bread and
N, O
nasello hake
nocciole hazelnuts
noce moscata nutmeg
noci walnuts
nodino veal chop
olio oil
origano oregano
ossobuco stewed shin
of veal
ostriche oysters
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