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curve should be as close to 1 as possible. Second, PCR effi -
ciency for each primer pairs should be as close to 100 % as pos-
sible, equivalent to a slope of −3.32. A good reaction should
have an effi ciency between 90 % and 110 %, which corresponds
to a slope of between −3.58 and −3.10. Third, disassociation
analysis is recommended when using SYBR green dye as a
detector, it is used to determine the specifi city of qPCR. For
good qPCR with high specifi city, every sample, including the
standard DNAs but not the negative control, should show one
single sharp overlapped peak in the dissociation analysis (also
called a melting curve). Finally, to ensure the precision of the
qPCR reaction, each sample should be run in three replicates
and have a standard deviation of Cq less than 0.167.
6. The plasmid pTG3602 [ 16 ], which contains the whole Ad5
genome, is frequently used as a standard DNA in our qPCR
experiments. It can be used for any primers that target the Ad
genome. However, any other plasmids or purifi ed viral DNA
can serve as standard DNA. The copy number can be calcu-
lated using a web tool ( http://www.thermoscientifi cbio.
com/webtools/copynumber ).
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Adenovirus L4-22K protein is multifunctional
and is an integral component of crucial aspects
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11. Ostapchuk P, Yang J, Auffarth E, Hearing P
(2005) Functional interaction of the adeno-
virus IVa2 protein with adenovirus type 5
packaging sequences. J Virol 79:2831-2838
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Protocol for the fast chromatin immunopre-
cipitation (ChIP) method. Nat Protoc
15. Schiedner G, Hertel S, Kochanek S (2000)
Effi cient transformation of primary human
amniocytes by E1 functions of Ad5: genera-
tion of new cell lines for adenoviral vector pro-
duction. Hum Gene Ther 11:2105-2116
16. Chartier C, Degryse E, Gantzer M, Dieterle A,
Pavirani A, Mehtali M (1996) Effi cient genera-
tion of recombinant adenovirus vectors by
homologous recombination in Escherichia
coli. J Virol 70:4805-4810
4. Gustin KE, Lutz P, Imperiale MJ (1996)
Interaction of the adenovirus L1
52/55-kilodalton protein with the IVa2 gene
product during infection. J Virol 70:6463-6467
5. Hasson TB, Soloway PD, Ornelles DA,
Doerfl er W, Shenk T (1989) Adenovirus L1
52- and 55-kilodalton proteins are required
for assembly of virions. J Virol 63:3612-3621
6. Zhang W, Imperiale MJ (2003) Requirement
of the adenovirus IVa2 protein for virus assem-
bly. J Virol 77:3586-3594
7. Zhang W, Low JA, Christensen JB, Imperiale
MJ (2001) Role for the adenovirus IVa2 pro-
tein in packaging of viral DNA. J Virol
8. Zhang W, Imperiale MJ (2000) Interaction of
the adenovirus IVa2 protein with viral packag-
ing sequences. J Virol 74:2687-2693
9. Ma HC, Hearing P (2011) Adenovirus struc-
tural protein IIIa is involved in the serotype
specifi city of viral DNA packaging. J Virol
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