Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
6. DEAE purifi cation can then be performed to eliminate
contaminants that are often not visible by SDS-PAGE (i.e.,
nucleic acids).
7. Quality control can be performed by negative staining electron
transmission microscopy ( see Fig. 2 ).
1. Use dodecahedron at 1 mg/mL in HBS buffer ( see Note 2 ).
2. Dissolve the dyes in DMSO to get a working concentration of
10 mg/mL.
3. Add 10
3.3 Dodecahedron
Labeling and Cellular
Traffi cking
L of dye to 1 mL of dodecahedron solution, mix
immediately, and store in the dark at room temperature for 2 h
( see Note 6 ).
4. Dialyze three times against 500 mL HBS buffer using a high
molecular weight cut-off MWCO 100 kDa ( see Note 3 ).
5. For fi xed cells : Incubate the coverslip with 1
g of labeled Dd in
L of medium without serum for the desired period of time.
Fix the cells with PFA 2 % for 20 min at 37 °C, then permeabi-
lize for 3 min with PBS—0.1 % triton ×100 ( see Notes 7 and 8 ).
6. Coverslips are mounted onto the glass slide using a 50 % glyc-
erol/50 % PBS drops and sealed with nail polish.
7. For live-cell experiments : Seed Iwaki dishes (0.17 mm glass
thick) to get 60 % confl uency. Add labeled dodecahedron (2
in 200
L) for 15 min at 37 °C. Remove the sample and add
pre-warmed medium. Observation is done in the thermostated
chamber of the microscope ( see Notes 7 and 9 ).
For the general procedure:
3.4 Surface
Plasmon Resonance
1. Insert CM5 or CM4 (higher sensitivity) Sensor Chip.
2. Run with HBS or HBS supplemented with 2 mM CaCl 2 if
calcium is required for the interaction (e.g., cadherins, integ-
rins, etc.).
3. Activate two fl ow cells with EDC-NHS according to manufac-
turer instructions. 10 minutes contact is recommended (e.g.,
4. Short cut the control Flowcell by working only on the “assay”
reference Flowcell (e.g., stop Flowcell 1, work only on
Flowcell 2).
5. Inject ligands at 10
L injection at fl owrate 5
g/mL diluted in 10 mM acetate buffer
L/min for 10 min. Reinject at the appropriate
concentration if immobilization has not reached the expected
RU (e.g., 2,000-5,000 RU for ligand with a MW of 60 kDa,
200-500 RU for ligand with 6 kDa MW).
6. Block the chip with a 10-min injection of 1 M Ethanolamine
solution on both fl ow cells.
pH 4.5 at 5
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