Biology Reference
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Fig. 2 Amplification strategy of chimeric HAdV-5/40S vectors. The first amplification an intermediate steps are
performed in 211BS cells. Last step is carried out in 293F cells to obtain pure chimeric HAd5V-/40S vectors
1. Seed 10 6 211BS cells/mL in one 125 mL shake flask (25 mL
working volume) in Infection Medium. Keep the culture in
suspension by agitation in an orbital shaker at a speed of
110 rpm, 37 °C and 5 % CO 2 .
2. Add polybrene to a final concentration of 9 μg/mL ( see Note 13 ).
3. Infect cells with the vector pre-stock at an MOI of 1 ( see
Note 14 ).
4. Four hours post-infection, supplement the cell culture with
0.5 % FBS.
5. Optional step: if vector expresses a fluorescent marker protein,
such as GFP, the infection efficiency can be estimated by fluo-
rescent microscopy at 30 h post-infection ( see Note 15 ).
6. Harvest cell cultures at 56 h post-infection and store at −80 °C.
7. Lyse cells by three freeze/thaw cycles in order to release the
virus from cells.
8. Centrifuge at 1,620 × g for 5 min to remove cell debris.
9. Store at −80 °C.
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