Biology Reference
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18. Pick 6-12 single pink/red colonies and inoculate 10 mL LB
containing 25
L kana-
mycin. Incubate the cultures at 32 °C overnight in a shaking
incubator. Prepare BAC DNA in small scale using appropriate
purifi cation kit ( see Note 9 ) and subject them to restriction
analysis to confi rm their integrity and save glycerol stocks from
two verifi ed colonies ( see Note 10 ).
g/mL chloramphenicol and 25
1. Synthesize the DNA sequence to be inserted into the target
site either via gene synthesis service or by PCR. Sub-cloned
and modifi ed fragments can also be reintroduced into the BAC
genome after amplifi cation of the desired fragment by PCR.
For this PCR also homology-fl anked primers are designed in
the same way as for the fi rst targeting ( see Fig. 1b for details).
Larger fragments derived from viral DNA or even intact
genomic DNA can be introduced into the appropriate recom-
bineering intermediate ( see Note 11 ). The linear fragments
used here need at least 50 nt of homology at each end of the
regions fl anking the galK-Kn cassette of the recombineering
intermediate. If larger DNA fragments are used, longer homol-
ogies may increase the effi ciency.
2. Use two Gal + clones verifi ed by restriction analysis from previ-
ous step 18 ( see Note 12 ) and inoculate 5 mL LB containing
chloramphenicol and kanamycin and incubate overnight at
32 °C in a shaking incubator.
3. Repeat steps 7-13 from Subheading 3.1 to obtain electro-
competent bacteria. However, here preparing for the second
targeting, use always LB containing 25
3.2 Second Targeting
for Generating the
g/mL chlorampheni-
g/mL kanamycin for all cultures.
4. Transform 60-70
col and 25
L of the induced electrocompetent bacteria
with 200 ng up to 1.5
g of desired linear fragment ( step 1 )
by an electroshock at 2,500 V, 200 W, and 25
F in Gene Pulser
(or equivalent electroporation equipment) ( see Note 13 ).
Prepare the control reaction by electroporating a mixture
containing the same volume of the competent cells in sterile
water and the volume of the DNA fragment. Then, mix
the electroporated bacteria with 1 mL LB without any antibi-
otic and transfer into 50 mL Falcon tubes containing 10 mL
LB without antibiotics. Outgrowth the cultures for 4.5 h at
32 °C in a shaking incubator.
5. Transfer 1 mL culture from each outgrowth to a 2 mL
Eppendorf tube and spin at top speed for 15 s in a microcen-
trifuge at room temperature. Remove the supernatant.
6. Resuspend pellet in 1 mL M9 medium and repeat the centrifu-
gation as in step 5 and remove the supernatant.
7. Repeat step 6 two times.
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