Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
3.1 First Targeting
to Generate the
1. Transform E. coli strain SW102 with the target Ad-BAC by
electroporation ( see Note 1 ), incubate transformants on selec-
tive LB plates, isolate single colonies and test them for integrity
( see Note 2 ). Alternatively, plate out frozen stocks of SW102
cells already transformed with the target BAC on selective LB
2. Design homology-fl anked primers for amplifi cation of galK-
kan cassette of pgalK-Kn ( see Fig. 1b for details of primer
design and Fig. 1c for pgalK-Kn map). Insert the 50 nucleo-
tide (nt) target sequence from the upper strand, which is
directly upstream to the sequence to be modifi ed (replaced or
deleted), at the 5
end of the forward priming site
). In the same
way, insert the downstream 50 nt homology from the comple-
mentary strand to the 5
end of the reverse primer
) ( see Note 3 ).
3. Perform PCR on 5 ng of pgalK-Kn template using the
homology-fl anked primers by a proofreading polymerase
( see Note 4 ).
4. Digest the PCR product by Dpn I to remove template mole-
cules from the reaction ( see Note 5 ). Set up the digestion reac-
tion using the entire volume of the PCR diluted at least three
times (normally the fi nal volume of the digestion reaction is
L for a 100
L PCR reaction). Add 60 U (20 U for
L of fi nal volume) of Dpn I and run the reaction over-
night at 37 °C.
5. Purify the Dpn I-treated PCR product by any commercial
clean-up columns and verify its integrity by agarose gel
6. Inoculate 5 mL LB containing 25
g/mL chloramphenicol
with 3-4 colonies of the transformed/plated SW102 contain-
ing the desired target BAC. Incubate at 32 °C overnight in a
shaking incubator.
7. Add 500
L of overnight culture into each of two culture fl asks
with 25 mL LB containing 25
g/mL chloramphenicol and
continue the incubation at 32 °C in a shaking incubator. In
parallel turn on the shaking water bath at 42 °C.
8. Incubate the 25 mL cultures at 32 °C until they reach OD 600 nm
of 0.55-0.6 (takes approximately 3 h). Then, transfer the fl ask
to the shaking water bath and heat shock the cultures at 42 °C
for exactly 15 min ( see Note 6 ).
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