Biology Reference
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DNA prepared from early passage isolates providing a fast access to
molecular clones of virtually any Ad strain or variant including
mutants from the past or isolates with a high risk of changes induced
by adaptation to tissue culture [ 1 , 4 ]. As BAC technology appeared
to be very useful for fast and correct manipulation of Ad genomes,
most of the applications were adapted (back) to Ad5 as well [ 5 - 7 ].
Here we present the basic methodology to manipulate and
construct Ad-BACs by a modifi ed recombineering, which is one of
the most advanced technologies available for manipulating
recombinant DNA in E. coli by homologous recombination.
Recombineering was described as a two-step approach [ 8 ], in
which homologous recombination is mediated by the red system
of bacteriophage lambda and mutant selection is facilitated by the
galK marker [ 8 , 9 ]. We slightly modifi ed this protocol combining
the galK marker with an antibiotic selection [ 3 , 10 ], which made
the procedure simpler for viral BACs ( see Fig. 1a ). Since use and
also construction of recombinant Ad become an everyday protocol
in many molecular biology laboratories, we also included a simpli-
fi ed BAC-based protocol to construct fi rst generation recombinant
Ad vectors in a single step by Flp recombination. This protocol was
adapted from the originally described approach for construction
recombinant herpesviruses [ 2 , 11 , 12 ] and working for Ad5 BACs
with virtually 100 % effi ciency. The gene of interest is fi rst cloned
into a small donor plasmid with standard cloning techniques and
this construct is unifi ed with a BAC acceptor in E. coli by condi-
tional expression of Flp recombinase via their FRT sites [ 11 , 13 ].
1. Prepare LB medium, LB plates, and M9 medium according to
Sambrook and Russell [ 14 ]. Add 25
2.1 Bacteriological
Media for Propagation
and Mutagenesis
of BACs
g/mL chloramphenicol
(for selection of BAC plasmid), 50
g/mL ampicillin (for
selection of pCP20 plasmid), and 25
g/mL kanamycin
(for selection of inserted markers).
2. 5× M36 salts: dissolve 10 g (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 , 68 g KH 2 PO 4 , 2.5 mg
FeSO 4 ·7H 2 O in 900 mL deionized water and adjust the pH to
7 with KOH. Add deionized water to 1,000 mL and
3. MgSO 4 stock solution: prepare 1 M MgSO 4 ·7H 2 O solution in
deionized water. Sterilize by fi ltration.
4. D -Biotin stock solution: prepare 1 mg/mL D -biotin solution in
deionized water. Sterilize by fi ltration.
5. L -Leucine stock solution: add L -leucine to deionized water to
10 mg/mL fi nal concentration, heat to 50 °C until leucine is
fully dissolved. Then, cool down the solution and fi lter sterilize.
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