Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
3.8 Neutralizing
Antibody (Nab) Assay
1. Collect blood from tail vein in capillary tubes without heparin
or EDTA. Incubate 5 min at RT and spin at 10,000 × g , 4 °C
to obtain the supernatant (test serum).
2. Transfer the test serum to an eppendorf and heat-inactivate it
at 56 °C for 30 min.
3. Using DMEM/5 % FBS, dilute an adenovirus from a purifi ed
stock of known physical (vp) or infectious titer to obtain
10 7 vp/mL or 5 × 10 5 iu/mL (5 × 10 5 vp/50
L or
L). Each serum to be tittered (in triplicate)
requires 1.8 mL of diluted virus ( see Note 6 ).
4. In a 96-well plate add 90
2.5 × 10 4 iu/50
L of diluted virus to the fi rst column
of wells and 50
L to the rest except for column 12 (no virus
control). In the fi rst row or column (dilution 1/10) add 10
of the test serum to the 90
L of diluted virus. Then perform
a ½ serial dilution transferring 50
L of this row to the next
row and successively until row 10. Discard the fi nal 50
taken from row 10. Column 11 is no test serum or virus only
control. Add 50
L of DMEM/5 % FBS in well 12 (no virus
5. Incubate the virus and test serum (containing the Nab) for 1 h
at 37 °C.
6. Prepare a cell suspension (HEK293 cells) of 10 6 cells/mL in
DMEM/5 % FBS. Add 100
L/well (100,000 cells/well).
Incubate at 37 °C for 24 h ( see Note 7 ).
7. Determine titer by anti-hexon staining as in protocol 3.1
above, from step 4 on. The neutralizing antibody titer is the
inverse of the dilution that reduces in 50 % the titer obtained
in well 11 (without Nab) (e.g., if 50 % of titer decrease is found
in well 6, Nab titer is 320).
1. Harvest the spleen of the animal to be tested (treated with
adenovirus) and leave it in a 15 mL tube in 5 mL of RPMI
2. Put the spleen in a cell strainer and mechanically disrupt the
spleen with the fl at portion of a syringe plunger until no
fragment remains. Transfer the resuspended cells to a 15 mL
tube. Rinse the cell strainer with 5 mL of RPMI and transfer to
tube. Repeat this strainer wash to harvest all cells. Discard the
3. Centrifuge the disrupted cells at 500 × g for 5-10 min.
4. Remove the supernatant and resuspend the pellet in 2 mL of
ACK lysis buffer to lyse red blood cells. Let the cell suspension
at RT for 3 min.
5. Fill the tube with RPMI and centrifuge the cells at 500 × g for
5 min.
3.9 CTL Responses
by Intracellular
Cytokine Staining
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