Java Reference
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For your own classes, you should make up a hash code that combines the hash codes
of the instance fields in a similar way. For example, let us define a hashCode
method for the Coin class. There are two instance fields: the coin name and the coin
value. First, compute their hash code. You know how to compute the hash code of a
string. To compute the hash code of a floating-point number, first wrap the
floating-point number into a Double object, and then compute its hash code.
Define hashCode methods for your own classes by combining the hash codes for
the instance variables.
class Coin
public int hashCode()
int h1 = name.hashCode();
int h2 = new Double(value).hashCode();
. . .
Then combine the two hash codes.
final int HASH_MULTIPLIER = 29;
int h = HASH_MULTIPLIER * h1 + h2;
return h;
Use a prime number as the hash multiplierȌit scrambles the values better.
If you have more than two instance fields, then combine their hash codes as follows:
int h = HASH_MULTIPLIER * h1 + h2;
h = HASH_MULTIPLIER * h + h3;
h = HASH_MULTIPLIER * h + h4;
. . .
return h;
If one of the instance fields is an integer, just use the field value as its hash code.
When you add objects of your class into a hash table, you need to double-check that
the hashCode method is compatible with the equals method of your class. Two
objects that are equal must yield the same hash code:
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