Java Reference
In-Depth Information
5. If a hash function returns 0 for all values, will the HashSet work
6. What does the hasNext method of the HashSetIterator do when
it has reached the end of a bucket?
16.4 Computing Hash Codes
A hash function computes an integer hash code from an object, so that different
objects are likely to have different hash codes. Let us first look at how you can
compute a hash code from a string. Clearly, you need to combine the character values
of the string to yield some integer. You could, for example, add up the character
int h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
h = h + s.charAt(i);
However, that would not be a good idea. It doesn't scramble the character values
enough. Strings that are permutations of another (such as ÐeatÑ and ÐteaÑ ) all
have the same hash code.
Here is the method the standard library uses to compute the hash code for a string.
final int HASH_MULTIPLIER = 31;
int h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
h = HASH_MULTIPLIER * h + s.charAt(i);
For example, the hash code of ÐeatÑ is
31 * (31 * 'e' + 'a') + 't' = 100184
The hash code of ÐteaÑ is quite different, namely
31 * (31 * 't' + 'e') + 'a' = 114704
(Use the Unicode table from Appendix B to look up the character values: ÓaÓ is 97, Ó
is 101, and ÓtÓ is 116.)
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