Java Reference
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A hash table can be implemented as an array of bucketsÈŒsequences of nodes that
hold elements with the same hash code.
Now the algorithm for finding an object x in a hash table is quite simple.
1. Compute the hash code and reduce it modulo the table size. This gives an index
h into the hash table.
2. Iterate through the elements of the bucket at position h . For each element of the
bucket, check whether it is equal to x .
3. If a match is found among the elements of that bucket, then x is in the set.
Otherwise, it is not.
Figure 6
A Hash Table with Buckets to Store Elements with the Same Hash Code
In the best case, in which there are no collisions, all buckets either are empty or have
a single element. Then checking for containment takes constant or O(1) time.
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