Java Reference
In-Depth Information
3. What are all permutations of the four-letter word beat?
4. Our recursion for the permutation generator stops at the empty string.
What simple modification would make the recursion stop at strings of
length 0 or 1?
C OMMON E RROR 13.2: Tracing Through Recursive
Debugging a recursive method can be somewhat challenging. When you set a
breakpoint in a recursive method, the program stops as soon as that program line is
encountered in any call to the recursive method. Suppose you want to debug the
recursive getArea method of the Triangle class. Debug the
TriangleTester program and run until the beginning of the getArea
method. Inspect the width instance variable. It is 10.
Remove the breakpoint and now run until the statement return
smallerArea + width ; (see Figure 1 ). When you inspect width again, its
value is 2! That makes no sense. There was no instruction that changed the value
of width . Is that a bug with the debugger?
No. The program stopped in the first recursive call to getArea that reached the
return statement. If you are confused, look at the call stack (top left in the
figure). You will see that nine calls to getArea are pending.
You can debug recursive methods with the debugger. You just need to be
particularly careful, and watch the call stack to understand which nested call you
currently are in.
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