Java Reference
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12.4.3 UML Diagrams
The dependency relationships come from the collaboration column on the CRC
cards. Each class depends on the classes with which it collaborates. In our example,
the Invoice class collaborates with the Address , LineItem , and Product
classes. The LineItem class collaborates with the Product class.
Now ask yourself which of these dependencies are actually aggregations. How does
an invoice know about the address, line item, and product objects with which it
collaborates? An invoice object must hold references to the address and the line
items when it formats the invoice. But an invoice object need not hold a reference
to a product object when adding a product. The product is turned into a line item,
and then it is the item's responsibility to hold a reference to it.
Therefore, the Invoice class aggregates the Address and LineItem classes.
The LineItem class aggregates the Product class. However, there is no has-a
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