Java Reference
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x: 20
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y: 35
Expected: 35
For this program, we needed to carry out another step: We needed to import the
Rectangle class from a package. A package is a collection of classes with a related
purpose. All classes in the standard library are contained in packages. The
Rectangle class belongs to the package java.awt (where awt is an abbreviation
for ȒAbstract Windowing Toolkitȓ), which contains many classes for drawing
windows and graphical shapes.
Java classes are grouped into packages. Use the import statement to use classes
that are defined in other packages.
To use the Rectangle class from the java.awt package, simply place the
following line at the top of your program:
import java.awt.Rectangle;
Why don't you have to import the System and String classes? Because the
System and String classes are in the java.lang package, and all classes from
this package are automatically imported, so you never need to import them yourself.
S YNTAX 2.4 Importing a Class from a Package
import packageName.ClassName;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
To import a class from a package for use in a program
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