Java Reference
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Additional programming exercises are available in WileyPLUS.
΢΢΢Project 10.1. Your task is to program robots with varying behaviors. The
robots try to escape a maze, such as the following:
A robot has a position and a method void move (Maze m) that
modifies the position. Provide a common superclass Robot whose
move method does nothing. Provide subclasses RandomRobot ,
RightHandRuleRobot , and MemoryRobot . Each of these robots
has a different strategy for escaping. The RandomRobot simply makes
random moves. The RightHandRuleRobot moves around the maze
so that it's right hand always touches a wall. The MemoryRobot
remembers all positions that it has previously occupied and never goes
back to a position that it knows to be a dead end.
΢΢΢Project 10.2. Implement the toString , equals , and clone methods
for all subclasses of the BankAccount class, as well as the Bank class
of Chapter 7 . Write unit tests that verify that your methods work
correctly. Be sure to test a Bank that holds objects from a mixture of
account classes.
1. Two instance fields: balance and interestRate .
2. deposit , withdraw , getBalance , and addInterest .
3. Manager is the subclass; Employee is the superclass.
4. To express the common behavior of text fields and text components.
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