Java Reference
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b. Polygon, Triangle
c. GraduateStudent, Student
d. Person, Student
e. Employee, GraduateStudent
f. BankAccount, CheckingAccount
g. Vehicle, Car
h. Vehicle, Minivan
i. Car, Minivan
j. Truck, Vehicle
΢ Exercise R10.5. Suppose the class Sub extends the class Sandwich .
Which of the following assignments are legal?
Sandwich x = new Sandwich();
Sub y = new Sub();
a. x = y ;
b. y = x ;
c. y = new Sandwich() ;
d. x = new Sub() ;
΢ Exercise R10.6. Draw an inheritance diagram that shows the inheritance
relationships between the classes:
ȗ Person
ȗ Employee
ȗ Student
ȗ Instructor
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