Java Reference
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You can use this method to transfer money from one bank account to another:
BankAccount momsAccount = . . . ;
BankAccount harrysAccount = . . . ;
momsAccount.transfer(1000, harrysAccount);
You can also use the method to transfer money into a CheckingAccount :
CheckingAccount harrysChecking = . . . ;
momsAccount.transfer(1000, harrysChecking);
// OK to pass a CheckingAccount reference to a method expecting a
The transfer method expects a reference to a BankAccount , and it gets a
reference to the subclass CheckingAccount . Fortunately, rather than complaining
about a type mismatch, the compiler simply copies the subclass reference
harrysChecking to the supercl ass reference other . The transfer method
doesn't actually know that, in this case, other refers to a CheckingAccount
reference. It knows only that other is a BankAccount , and it doesn't need to
know anything else. All it cares about is that the other object can carry out the
deposit method.
Very occasionally, you need to carry out the opposite conversion, from a superclass
reference to a subclass reference. For example, you may have a variable of type
Object , and you know that it actually holds a BankAccount reference. In that
case, you can use a cast to convert the type:
BankAccount anAccount = (BankAccount) anObject;
However, this cast is somewhat dangerous. If you are wrong, and anObject
actually refers to an object of an unrelated type, then an exception is thrown.
To protect against bad casts, you can use the instanceof operator. It tests whether
an object belongs to a particular type. For example,
anObject instanceof BankAccount
returns true if the type of anObject is convertible to BankAccount . This
happens if anObject refers to an actual BankAccount or a subclass such as
SavingsAccount . Using the instanceof operator, a safe cast can be
programmed as follows:
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