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// Now add amount to balance
super. deposit(amount);
. . .
This version of the deposit method is correct. To deposit money into a checking
account, update the transaction count and call the deposit method of the superclass.
The remaining methods are now straightforward.
public class CheckingAccount extends BankAccount
. . .
public void withdraw(double amount)
// Now subtract amount from balance
super. withdraw(amount);
public void deductFees()
if (transactionCount > FREE_TRANSACTIONS)
double fees = TRANSACTION_FEE
* (transactionCount -
super. withdraw(fees);
transactionCount = 0;
. . .
private static final int FREE_TRANSACTIONS = 3;
private static final double TRANSACTION_FEE = 2.0;
S YNTAX 10.2 Calling a Superclass Method
super. methodName(parameters);
public void deposit(double amount)
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