Java Reference
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The method call greeting.length() returns a valueȌthe integer 13. The return
value becomes a parameter of the println method. Figure 7 shows the process.
Not all methods return values. One example is the println method. The println
method interacts with the operating system, causing characters to appear in a window.
But it does not return a value to the code that calls it.
Let us analyze a more complex method call. Here, we will call the replace method
of the String class. The replace method carries out a search-and-replace
operation, similar to that of a word processor. For example, the call
river.replace(ÐissippÑ, ÐourÑ)
constructs a new string that is obtained by replacing all occurrences of ÐissippÑ in
ÐMiss issipp with ÐourÑ . (In this situation, there was only one replacement.)
The method returns the String object ÐMiss our (which you can save in a
variable or pass to another method).
As Figure 8 shows, this method call has
one implicit parameter: the string ÐMississippiÑ
two explicit parameters: the strings ÐissippÑ and ÐourÑ
a return value: the string ÐMissouriÑ
Figure 7
Passing the Result of a Method Call to Another Method
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