Java Reference
In-Depth Information
7. How can you print out the uppercase version of ÐHello, World!Ñ ?
8. Is it legal to call river.println() ? Why or why not?
2.4 Method Parameters and Return Values
In this section, we will examine how to provide inputs into a method, and how to
obtain the output of the method.
Some methods require inputs that give details about the work that they need to do. For
example, the println method has an input: the string that should be printed.
Computer scientists use the technical term parameter for method inputs. We say that
the string greeting is a parameter of the method call
A parameter is an input to a method.
System.out.println( greeting )
Figure 5 illustrates passing of the parameter to the method.
Technically speaking, the greeting parameter is an explicit parameter of the
println method. The object on which you invoke the method is also considered a
parameter of the method call, called the implicit parameter. For example,
System.out is the implicit parameter of the method call
The implicit parameter of a method call is the object on which the method is
System.out .println(greeting)
Some methods require multiple explicit parameters, others don't require any explicit
parameters at all. An example of the latter is the length method of the String
class (see Figure 6 ). All the information that the length method requires to do its
jobȌnamely, the character sequence of the stringȌis stored in the implicit parameter
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