Java Reference
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΢΢΢ Exercise R8.21. How can you write a method that swaps two
floating-point numbers? Hint: Point2D.Double .
΢΢ Exercise R8.22. Draw a memory diagram that shows why the following
method can't swap two BankAccount objects:
public static void falseSwap(BankAccount a,
BankAccount b)
BankAccount temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
΢ Exercise R8.23. Consider an enhancement of the Die class of Chapter 6
with a static field
public class Die
public Die(int s) {. . .}
public int cast() {. . .}
private int sides;
private static Random generator = new
Draw a memory diagram that shows three dice:
Die d4 = new Die(4);
Die d6 = new Die(6);
Die d8 = new Die(8);
Be sure to indicate the values of the sides and generator fields.
΢ Exercise R8.24. Try compiling the following program. Explain the error
message that you get.
public class Print13
public void print(int x)
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