Java Reference
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΢΢ Exercise R8.7. On which classes does the class Integer in the standard
library depend?
΢΢ Exercise R8.8. On which classes does the class Rectangle in the
standard library depend?
΢ Exercise R8.9. Classify the methods of the class Scanner that are used in
this topic as accessors and mutators.
΢ Exercise R8.10. Classify the methods of the class Rectangle as
accessors and mutators.
΢ Exercise R8.11. Which of the following classes are immutable?
a. Rectangle
b. String
c. Random
΢ Exercise R8.12. Which of the following classes are immutable?
a. PrintStream
b. Date
c. Integer
΢΢ Exercise R8.13. What side effect, if any, do the following three methods
public class Coin
public void print()
System.out.println(name + " " + value);
public void print(PrintStream stream)
stream. println(name + " " + value);
public String toString()
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