Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 1 Introduction
To understand the activity of programming
To learn about the architecture of computers
To learn about machine code and high-level programming languages
To become familiar with your computing environment and your compiler
To compile and run your first Java program
To recognize syntax and logic errors
The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize you with the concept of programming. It
reviews the architecture of a computer and discusses the difference between machine
code and high-level programming languages. Finally, you will see how to compile
and run your first Java program, and how to diagnose errors that may occur when a
program is compiled or executed.
1.1 What Is Programming?
You have probably used a computer for work or fun. Many people use computers for
everyday tasks such as balancing a checkbook or writing a term paper. Computers are
good for such tasks. They can handle repetitive chores, such as totaling up numbers or
placing words on a page, without getting bored or exhausted. Computers also make
good game machines because they can play sequences of sounds and pictures,
involving the human user in the process.
The flexibility of a computer is quite an amazing phenomenon. The same machine can
balance your checkbook, print your term paper, and play a game. In contrast, other
machines carry out a much narrower range of tasksȌa car drives and a toaster toasts.
To achieve this flexibility, the computer must be programmed to perform each task. A
computer itself is a machine that stores data (numbers, words, pictures), interacts with
devices (the monitor screen, the sound system, the printer), and executes programs.
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