Java Reference
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Constructs a bank account with a given balance.
@param initial Balance the initial balance
(Precondition: initial Balance >= 0)
public BankAccount(double initialBalance) {. .
balance = initialBalance;
Deposits money into the bank account.
@param amount the amount to deposit
(Precondition: amount >= 0)
public void deposit(double amount) {. . .}
Withdraws money from the bank account.
@param amount the amount to withdraw
(Precondition: amount <= getBalance())
public void withdraw(double amount) {. . .}
. . .
Now we can formulate the following invariant:
getBalance() >= 0
To see why this invariant is true, first check the constructor; because the
precondition of the constructor is
initialBalance >= 0
we can prove that the invariant is true after the constructor has set balance to
initial Balance .
Next, check the mutators. The precondition of the deposit method is
amount >= 0
We can assume that the invariant condition holds before calling the method. Thus,
we know that balance >= 0 before the method executes. The laws of
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