Java Reference
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Therefore, a precondition is an important part of the method, and you must document
it. Here we document the precondition that the amount parameter must not be
Deposits money into this account.
@param amount the amount of money to deposit
(Precondition: amount >= 0)
Some javadoc extensions support a @precondition or @requires tag, but it
is not a p art of the standard javadoc program. Because the standard javadoc tool
skips al l unknown tags, we simply add the precondition to the method explanation or
the appropriate @param tag .
Preconditions are typically provided for one of two reasons:
1. To restrict the parameters of a method
2. To require that a method is only called when it is in the appropriate state
For example, once a Scanner has run out of input, it is no longer legal to call the
next method. Thus, a precondition for the next method is that the hasNext
method returns true .
A method is responsible for operating correctly only when its caller has fulfilled all
preconditions. The method is free to do anything if a precondition is not fulfilled. It
would be perfectly legal if the method reformatted the hard disk every time it was
called with a wrong input. Naturally, that isn't reasonable. What should a method
actually do when it is called with inappropriate inputs? For example, what should
account.deposit(-1000) do? There are two choices.
1. A method can check for the violation and throw an exception. Then the method
does not return to its caller; instead, control is transferred to an exception
handler. If no handler is present, then the program terminates. We will discuss
exceptions in Chapter 11 .
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