Java Reference
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An array is a sequence of values of the same type.
The new operator merely constructs the array. You will want to store a reference to
the array in a variable so that you can access it later.
The type of an array variable is the element type, followed by [] . In this example, the
type is double[] , because the element type is double. Here is the declaration of an
array variable:
double[] data = new double[10];
That is, data is a reference to an array of floating-point numbers. It is initialized with
an array of 10 numbers (see Figure 1 ).
You can also form arrays of objects, for example
BankAccount[] accounts = new BankAccount[10];
Figure 1
An Array Reference and an Array
When an array is first created, all values are initialized with 0 (for an array of
numbers such as int[] or double[] ), false (for a boolean[] array), or null
(for an array of object references).
Each element in the array is specified by an integer index that is placed inside square
brackets ( [] ). For example, the expression
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