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ɨ x max )/100. Draw the curve f(x) = 0.00005x 3 ɨ 0.03x 2 + 4x + 200,
where x ranges from 0 to 400 in this fashion.
΢΢΢G Exercise P6.19. Draw a picture of the Ȓfour-leaved roseȓ whose
equation in polar coordinates is r = cos(2ƒ). Let ƒ go from 0 to 2ƚ in
100 steps. Each time, compute r and then compute the (x,y)
coordinates from the polar coordinates by using the formula
x = r cos ǘ , y = r sin ǘ
Additional review exercises are available in Wiley Plus.
΢΢΢ Project 6.1. Flesch Readability Index. The following index [ 7 ] was
invented by Flesch as a tool to gauge the legibility of a document
without linguistic analysis.
Count all words in the file. A word is any sequence of characters
delimited by white space, whether or not it is an actual English
Count all syllables in each word. To make this simple, use the
following rules: Each group of adjacent vowels (a, e, i, o, u, y)
counts as one syllable (for example, the Ȓeaȓ in Ȓrealȓ contributes
one syllable, but the Ȓe ș aȓ in Ȓregalȓ count as two syllables).
However, an Ȓeȓ at the end of a word doesn't count as a syllable.
Also, each word has at least one syllable, even if the previous rules
give a count of 0.
Count all sentences. A sentence is ended by a period, colon,
semicolon, question mark, or exclamation mark.
The index is computed by
Index = 206.835
ɨ 84.6 ¶ ( Number of syllables / Number of words )
ɨ 1.015 ¶ ( Number of words / Number of sentences )
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