Java Reference
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S YNTAX 5.3 Defining an Enumerated Type
accessSpecifier enum TypeName { value 1 , value 2 , . . . }
public enum FilingStatus {SINGLE, MARRIED}
To define a type with a fixed number of values
5.4 Using Boolean Expressions
5.4.1 The boolean Type
In Java, an expression such as amount < 1000 has a value, just as the
expression amount + 1000 has a value. The value of a relational expression is
either true or false . For example, if amount is 500, then the value of
amount < 1000 is true . Try it out: The program fragment
double amount = 0;
System.out.println(amount > 1000);
prints true . The values true and false are not numbers, nor are they objects of
a class. They belong to a separate type, called boolean . The Boolean type is
named after the mathematician George Boole (1815-1864), a pioneer in the study of
The boolean type has two values: true and false
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