Java Reference
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This scheme makes it easy to spot matching braces.
Some programmers put the opening brace on the same line as the if :
if (amount <= balance) {
double newBalance = balance - amount;
balance = newBalance;
This saves a line of code, but it makes it harder to match the braces.
It is important that you pick a layout scheme and stick with it. Which scheme you
choose may depend on your personal preference or a coding style guide that you
must follow.
P RODUCTIVITY H INT 5.1: Indentation and Tabs
When writing Java programs, use indentation to indicate nesting levels:
public class BankAccount
| . . .
| public void withdraw(double amount)
| {
| | if (amount <= balance)
| | {
| | | double newBalance = balance -
| | | balance = newBalance;
| | }
| }
| . . .
Indentation level
How many spaces should you use per indentation level? Some programmers use
eight spaces per level, but that isn't a good choice:
public class BankAccount
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