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΢΢Exercise P4.9. Implement a class SodaCan whose constructor receives
the height and diameter of the soda can. Supply methods getVolume and
getSurfaceArea . Supply a SodaCanTester class that tests your
΢΢΢Exercise P4.10. Implement a class Balloon that models a spherical
balloon that is being filled with air. The constructor constructs an empty
balloon. Supply these methods:
ȗ void addAir(double amount) adds the given amount of
ȗ double getVolume() gets the current volume
ȗ double getSurfaceArea() gets the current surface area
ȗ double getRadius() gets the current radius
Supply a BalloonTester class that constructs a balloon, adds 100Ю
cm 3 of air, tests the three accessor methods, adds another 100Юcm 3 of air,
and tests the accessor methods again.
΢΢Exercise P4.11. Giving change. Enhance the CashRegister class so
that it directs a cashier how to give change. The cash register computes the
amount to be returned to the customer, in pennies.
Add the following methods to the CashRegister class:
ȗ int giveDollars()
ȗ int giveQuarters()
ȗ int giveDimes()
ȗ int giveNickels()
ȗ int givePennies()
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