Java Reference
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String message = String.format("Total:%5.2f",
sets the message variable to the string ÐTotal: 3.50Ñ .
A DVANCED T OPIC 4.7: Using Dialog Boxes for Input and
Most program users find the console window rather old-fashioned. The easiest
alternative is to create a separate pop-up window for each input (see An Input
Dialog Box).
Call the static showInputDialog method of the JOptionPane class, and
supply the string that prompts the input from the user. For example,
String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter
That method returns a String object. Of course, often you need the input as a
number. Use the Integer.parseInt and Double.parseDouble methods
to convert the string to a number:
double price = Double.parseDouble(input);
You can also display output in a dialog box:
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Price: " +
Finally, whenever you call the showInputDialog or showMessageDialog
method in a program that does not show any other frame windows, you need to
add a line
to the end of your main method. The showInputDialog method starts a user
interface thread to handle user input. When the main method reaches the end, that
thread is still running, and your program won't exit automatically. To force the
program to exit, you need to call the exit method of the System class. The
parameter of the exit method is the status code of the program. A code of 0
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