Java Reference
In-Depth Information
1. int and String
2. Only the first two are legal identifiers.
3. String myName = ÐJohn Q. PublicÑ
4. No, the left-hand side of the=operator must be a variable.
5. greeting = ÐHello, Nina!Ñ;
Note that
String greeting = ÐHello, Nina!Ñ;
is not the right answerȌthat statement defines a new variable.
6. river.length() or ÐMississippiÑ.length()
7. System.out.println(greeting.toUpperCase()) ;
8. It is not legal. The variable river has type String . The println
method is not a method of the String class.
9. The implicit parameter is river . There is no explicit parameter. The return
value is 11.
10. ÐMississi ss
11. 12
12. As public String toUpperCase() , with no explicit parameter and
return type String .
13. double
14. An int is not an object, and you cannot call a method on it.
15. (x + y) * 0.5
16. new Rectangle(90, 90, 20, 20)
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