Java Reference
In-Depth Information
΢΢GExercise R18.6. What happens when you try to add a button to another
button? Try it out and explain.
΢΢GExercise R18.7. The ColorViewerFrame uses a grid layout manager.
Explain a drawback of the grid that is apparent from Figure 13 . What
could you do to overcome this drawback?
΢΢΢GExercise R18.8. What is the difference between the grid layout and the
grid bag layout?
΢΢΢GExercise R18.9. Can you add icons to check boxes, radio buttons, and
combo boxes? Browse the Java documentation to find out. Then write
a small test program to verify your findings.
΢GExercise R18.10. What is the difference between radio buttons and check
΢GExercise R18.11. Why do you need a button group for radio buttons but
not for check boxes?
΢GExercise R18.12. What is the difference between a menu bar, a menu, and
a menu item?
΢GExercise R18.13. When browsing through the Java documentation for
more information about sliders, we ignored the JSlider default
constructor. Why? Would it have worked in our sample program?
΢GExercise R18.14. How do you construct a vertical slider? Consult the
Swing documentation for an answer.
΢΢GExercise R18.15. Why doesn't a JComboBox send out change events?
΢΢΢GExercise R18.16. What component would you use to show a set of
choices, just as in a combo box, but so that several items are visible at
the same time? Run the Swing demo app or look at a book with Swing
example programs to find the answer.
΢΢GExercise R18.17. How many Swing user interface components are
there? Look at the Java documentation to get an approximate answer.
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