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Write a program DieSimulator that uses the Random class to simulate
the cast of a die, printing a random number between 1 and 6 every time that
the program is run.
΢΢΢ Exercise P2.8. Write a program LotteryPrinter that picks a
combination in a lottery. In this lottery, players can choose 6 numbers
(possibly repeated) between 1 and 49. (In a real lottery, repetitions aren't
allowed, but we haven't yet discussed the programming constructs that
would be required to deal with that problem.) Your program should print
out a sentence such as ȒPlay this combinationȌit'll make you rich!ȓ,
followed by a lottery combination.
΢΢T Exercise P2.9. Write a program ReplaceTester that encodes a string
by replacing all letters ÐiÑ with Ð!Ñ and all letters ÐsÑ with Ð$Ñ . Use
the replace method. Demonstrate that you can correctly encode the
string ÐMississippiÑ . Print both the actual and expected result.
΢΢΢ Exercise P2.10. Write a program HollePrinter that switches the
letters ÐeÑ and ÐoÑ in a string. Use the replace method repeatedly.
Demonstrate that the string ÐHello, World!Ñ turns into ÐHolle,
΢΢G Exercise P2.11. Write a graphics program that draws your name in red,
contained inside a blue rectangle. Provide a class NameViewer and a
class NameComponent .
΢΢G Exercise P2.12. Write a graphics program that draws 12 strings, one each
for the 12 standard colors, besides Color.WHITE , each in its own color.
Provide a class Color-NameViewer and a class
ColorNameComponent .
΢΢G Exercise P2.13. Write a program that draws two solid squares: one in
pink and one in purple. Use a standard color for one of them and a custom
color for the other. Provide a class TwoSquareViewer and a class
TwoSquareComponent .
΢΢΢G Exercise P2.14. Write a program that fills the window with a large
ellipse, with a black outline and filled with your favorite color. The
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