Java Reference
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ȗ void add(int x) to add x if it is not present
ȗ void remove(int x) to remove x if it is present
ȗ void print() to print all elements currently in the set
ȗ boolean find(int x) to test whether x is present
΢΢Exercise P16.10. Reimplement the set class from Exercise P16.9 by using
a TreeSet<Integer> . In addition to the methods specified in Exercise
P16.9, supply an iterator method yielding an object that supports only
the hasNext/next methods.
The next method should return an int , not an object. For that reason,
you cannot simply return the iterator of the tree set.
΢ Exercise P16.11. Reimplement the set class from Exercise P16.9 by using
a TreeSet<Integer> . In addition to the methods specified in Exercise
P16.9, supply methods
IntSet union(IntSet other)
IntSet intersection(IntSet other)
that compute the union and intersection of two sets.
΢΢Exercise P16.12. Implement the sieve of Eratosthenes: a method for
computing prime numbers, known to the ancient Greeks. Choose an n. This
method will compute all prime numbers up to n. First insert all numbers
from 2 to n into a set. Then erase all multiples of 2 (except 2); that is, 4, 6,
8, 10, 12, ș. Erase all multiples of 3; that is, 6, 9, 12, 15, ș. Go up to .
Then print the set.
΢ Exercise P16.13. Write a method of the BinarySearchTree class
Comparable smallest()
that returns the smallest element of a tree. You will also need to add a
method to the Node class.
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