Environmental Engineering Reference
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External control should be carried once or twice per year and includes:
• “Reference samples” of known composition could be used for critical check-up of the
whole laboratory cycle;
• Inter-laboratory checks give insight into the general errors made in a group of
The supervisor should create an open and transparent atmosphere, with a defined sense of
professional commitment and responsibility. Errors should be discussed openly and
measures for improving the quality of the analytical work suggested. It should be
acknowledged that 100% perfect results are unobtainable and the quality goals will
always be a compromise between the quality needed and the available resources.
2.8 Data handling, analysis, storage and reporting
This final stage of the measurement program is essential for the completion of its
objectives. Poor record and storage of data obtained may jeopardize the efforts and
achievements of a well-designed and well-executed program. Data record, storage and
retrieval will be refereed as a “data storage system”.
One can differentiate between manual and computer data storage systems, the first one
being applied in small measurement programs. The latest developments of computer
technologies make a “must” the application of computer based data storage systems for
larger monitoring programs.
2.8.1 Data storage
Manual systems are traditional and most elementary. They involve reporting data in
hand-written or type-written form. Examples for such reporting are the topics in a
treatment plant operation, the report of a water quality survey of a river, an inspection
form or a waste discharge permit. The documents are stored in simple file cabinets or
bookshelves, with a limited number of copies available. Even the simplest data storage
system of a water quality monitoring program should include the following components:
• A map, showing clearly the geographical scope of the program, sample points' codes
and locations. It would form the basis of the program's data system.
• A detailed description of the analytical methods used to determine parameter values;
• The data obtained during the monitoring process, with corresponding dates, sampling
locations, parameters tested, units, and any remarks made during the process of
sampling or testing.
• The description of the method of wastewater generation and the treatment technology,
in cases of monitoring of effluent discharges.
It has to be mentioned that the stored data must be revised and checked periodically, in
order to improve the program quality. Sample points locations and frequency of sampling
may be changed or reduced, based on trends shown in the records.
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