Environmental Engineering Reference
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WaterNet/WARFSA Symposium-Integrating Water Supply & Water Demand for Sustainable
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Msibi, K. 2001. Water resources Engineer, Ministry of Natural resources and Energy, Water
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Ongeley, E.D. 1998. Modernization of water quality programs in developing countries: issues of
relevancy and cost efficiency. Water Quality International , Sept./Oct.: 37-42.
SAFEGE 2001. Engineering Studies for Lilongwe Water Board Report. SAFEGE Consulting
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Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 1994. 19 th ed. American Public
Health Association/ American Water Works Association/ Water Environment federation ,
Washington DC, USA
UN/ECE 1996. State of the art on monitoring and assessment of rivers UN/ECE Task Force on
Monitoring & Assessment, RIZA report No 95.068 (5): 60-71.
WWEDR 2000. Water (Waste and Effluent Disposal) Regulations , Statutory Instrument 274 of
2000, Republic of Zimbabwe.
World Health Organization (WHO). 1984 Guidelines for drinking water, health criteria and other
supporting information . Vol.2, Geneva: WHO.
Viljoen, F. C. 1992. Risks, Criteria and Water Quality. Municipal Engineer July 1992, SA: Rural
Water Board.
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