Agriculture Reference
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on the fine earth fraction ( 2-mm sieve fraction). Gravel (2-600 mm) and boul-
ders ( 600 mm) are larger than the fine earth.
The proportion of sand, silt, and clay-size particles in the fine earth determines
the soil's texture . Texture is an important property that affects the soil's response
to water (soil stickiness, consistence, and permeability), temperature, and cultiva-
tion (soil tilth and compaction). Texture can be assessed in the field.
The clay-size fraction is divided into the crystalline clay minerals (layer-lattice min-
erals or phyllosilicates) and the accessory minerals , comprising various Fe and Al
oxides (sesquioxides), Mn and Ti oxides, SiO 2 , and calcite. The basic crystal struc-
ture of the phyllosilicates consists of sheets of Si in tetrahedral coordination with
O [SiO 2 ] n and sheets of Al in octahedral coordination with OH [Al 2 (OH) 6 ] n .
Crystal layers formed by the sharing of O atoms between contiguous silica and
alumina sheets give rise to different minerals, depending on the Si:Al mole ratios:
1 ( imogolite and the allophanes ), 1:1 ( kaolinites ), and 2:1 ( illites , hydrous micas ,
vermiculites , and smectites ). Isomorphous substitution (Al 3
Si 4 and Fe 2 ,
Mg 2
Al 3 ) in the lattice results in an overall net permanent negative charge.
The edge faces of the clay crystals, especially kaolinite, and the surfaces of Fe and
Al oxides (e.g., goethite and gibbsite ) bear variable charges depending on the asso-
ciation or dissociation of H ions at exposed O and OH groups. The surfaces are
positively charged at low pH and negatively charged at high pH. These charges
are therefore called pH-dependent.
The cation and anion charges adsorbed (mols of charge per unit mass) measure a
mineral particle's cation exchange capacity, CEC , and anion exchange capacity,
AEC , respectively. CEC ranges from 3 to 150 cmols charge ( ) per kg for clay
minerals, and AEC is 30-50 cmols charge ( ) per kg for sesquioxides. Imogolite
and allophane have roughly comparable CEC and AEC values at pH 6-7.
The smaller a particle's size, the larger is its specific surface area. Depending on
the mineralogy of the clay, the specific surface area ranges from 5 to 1000 m 2 /g.
Clay particles ( 2
m) are much more effective than silt (2-50
m) and sand
m) in adsorbing water, ions, and solute molecules. In expanding-
lattice clays, the total surface area is the sum of the internal and external areas;
this can be as high as 750 m 2 /g for a fully dispersed Na-montmorillonite (a smec-
tite clay).
Inputs of C as plant litter, dead roots, animal remains, and excreta are substrate
for a heterogeneous population of soil organisms. As the organic residues decom-
pose, releasing a proportion of the C as CO 2 to the atmosphere, soil organic mat-
ter ( SOM ) accumulates in a humified state. Soil humus consists of resistant plant
residues (lignins), as well as complex new organic compounds synthesized by soil
The living organisms (biomass ) consist of the reducers , invertebrates such as mites,
springtails, insects, termites, earthworms, nematodes, and molluscs, and the de-
composers , microorganisms (bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, and algae) and micro-
fauna (protozoa). The most important reducers are earthworms in temperate soils,
especially under grassland, and termites in many soils of the tropics and subtrop-
ics. These organisms of diverse size and function comprise an interdependent “food
web” in the soil.
Annual rates of litter fall are 0.9-1.2 t C/ha in vineyards of low planting density,
but up to 4 t C/ha in temperate forests. Dead roots and carbon substrates de-
posited in the rhizosphere also contribute to biomass substrate. Earthworm bio-
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