Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
An Ethernet port in Linux is identified by the eth prefix. The Ethernet port in your
Raspberry Pi is called eth0 . The interfaces file contains a section that configures
the IP address. You will see that it is set by default to DHCP. This is where you can
assign your IP address. To do this, change the iface line to the following lines:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
You can see where you are able to enter your own network configuration. Once
you have made the changes, press CTRL + x to exit nano, followed by y to save
your changes.
To apply the changes you have made, run the following command:
sudo service networking restart
If there are any problems with your configuration, you will be notified so that
you can correct them.
Connecting your Raspberry Pi to a Wi-Fi
Raspbian supports many wireless dongles out of the box. This makes it really easy
to access the Internet wirelessly from your Raspberry Pi.
You can find a list of Wi-Fi dongles that are tested and will definitely work with
your Raspberry Pi at http://elinux.org/RPi_VerifiedPeripherals .
Connecting your Wi-Fi dongle to your
Raspberry Pi
It is a good idea to plug in a Wi-Fi dongle into your Raspberry Pi; this should be
done when the Raspberry Pi is off. The reason for this is that the power supply in
the Raspberry Pi can sometimes have problems when USB devices are plugged in.
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