Environmental Engineering Reference
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more than 20 years of experience in risk-based analysis
for industry and government applications. His area of
expertise is probabilistic risk assessments, including
probabilistic modeling and investigation of the impacts
of industrial projects.
FREDERICK G. POHLAND, a member of the Na-
tional Academy of Engineering, graduated from Purdue
University with a Ph.D. in environmental engineering
and is currently professor and Edward R. Weidlein
Chair of Environmental Engineering at the University
of Pittsburgh, as well as director of the Engineering
Center for Environment and Energy and codirector of
the Groundwater Remediation Technologies Analysis
Center. He is a registered professional engineer and a
diplomate environmental engineer and has taught and
written extensively on solid and hazardous waste man-
agement, environmental impact assessment, and inno-
vative technologies for waste minimization, treatment,
and environmental remediation. Dr. Pohland has ex-
pertise in minimizing the impacts of hazardous waste
on workers, the public, and the environment.
CHARLES E. KOLB is president and chief executive
officer of Aerodyne Research, Inc. Since 1971, his prin-
cipal research interests at Aerodyne have included at-
mospheric and environmental chemistry, combustion
chemistry, materials chemistry, and the chemical phys-
ics of rocket and aircraft exhaust plumes. He has served
on several National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration panels dealing with atmospheric chemistry and
global change, as well as on five National Research
Council committees and boards dealing with environ-
mental issues. He served as vice chair of the Stockpile
Committee from mid-1997 to mid-2000. From 1996 to
1999, he was atmospheric sciences editor for Geophysi-
cal Research Letters. In 1997, he received the Award
for Creative Advances in Environmental Science and
Technology from the American Chemical Society.
ROBERT B. PUYEAR graduated from Missouri
School of Mines and Metallurgy with a B.S. in chemi-
cal engineering and from Purdue University with an
M.S. in industrial administration. He is currently a con-
sultant specializing in corrosion prevention and con-
trol, failure analysis, and materials selection. Mr.
Puyear worked for Union Carbide for 16 years devel-
oping high-performance materials for chemical and
aerospace applications and for Monsanto for 21 years
as a corrosion specialist, where he managed the Me-
chanical and Materials Engineering Section. He is an
expert in materials engineering and in the evaluation of
materials of construction.
GARY L. LAGE is the founding principal of
ToxiLogics, Inc., where he is responsible for incorpo-
rating current data on the toxicology of chemicals and
modern risk assessment into scientific decisions. For
20 years, he was an educator at the University of Kan-
sas, the University of Wisconsin, and the Philadelphia
College of Pharmacy and Science, where he taught
pharmacology and toxicology. Dr. Lage was project
director, vice president, and practice leader for human
health practice at the Roy F. Weston Company for four
years and a principal in the human health practice area
with ENVIRON Corporation. He is a diplomate of the
American Board of Toxicology and has a Ph.D. in phar-
macology from the University of Iowa.
CHARLES F. REINHARDT, who has an M.D. from
Indiana University School of Medicine and an M.Sc. in
occupational medicine from Ohio State University
School of Medicine, retired after more than 30 years
with the DuPont Company, where he was a physiolo-
gist, then chief of the physiology section, and then
research manager for environmental sciences. In 1971
he became assistant director of the laboratory and in
1976 was named its director, a position he held until
his retirement in 1996. Dr. Reinhardt has served on
numerous National Research Council panels and com-
mittees, including the Committee on Toxicology. His
areas of expertise are occupational medicine and toxi-
JAMES F. MATHIS, a member of the National
Academy of Engineering, graduated from the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin with a Ph.D. in chemical engineering.
Dr. Mathis was vice president of science and technol-
ogy for Exxon Corporation, where he was responsible
for worldwide research and development programs,
and was chair of the New Jersey Commission on Sci-
ence and Technology until his retirement in 1997.
Dr. Mathis's expertise is in research and development
and chemical engineering.
KENNETH F. REINSCHMIDT, a member of the
National Academy of Engineering and a graduate of
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