Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 3: Planning considerations
In this chapter the important relationship between early involvement and
collaboration of the entire living roof project team contributes to the success of
the design, construction and long-term maintenance of the project. Section 3.1
presents the consultants, their roles and responsibilities, and the path of
communication between them and the client. Section 3.2 presents a step-by-step
planning process that ultimately leads to the design and maintenance topics
covered in the remaining sections of the chapter. These topics include the
experiential (planting design) and functional aspects of the roof in terms of
meeting project goals (stormwater management, amenity space, promoting
biodiversity, etc.); understanding physical and contextual constraints (structural
either extensive or intensive roof, climatic, and building-service related either
warm or inverted roof assembly); and the technical and mathematical tools
required to achieve these goals, overcome constraints and make informed design
decisions. Early meetings and effective communication during project planning
between the client and design consultants to prioritize objectives and understand
potential contradictions ultimately will help streamline the design process and
ensure outcomes.
3.1 Planning Process
3.1.1 Professionals' engagement
Consultants involved in a living roof project include landscape architects,
architects, civil and stormwater engineers, building service planners,
horticulturalists, ecologists, and landscape and building contractors. Table 3.1
summarizes the role of each consultant in a living roof project. While not every
professional listed in Table 3.1 will be part of the initial design conversations,
early coordination and continuous communication amongst the professionals
regarding all phases of the project reduces future costs and the need for
signiicant and potentially dificult changes. Early collaboration helps crystallize
the objectives of the living roof project and is thus instrumental in the creation of
a successful living roof.
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