Agriculture Reference
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1 Various terminology is found to refer to a collective suite of technologies to mitigate
runoff impacts. In the United States, the term “SCM” is currently promoted by the Water
Environment Federation and American Society of Civil Engineers/Environmental and
Water Resources Institute (2012) in lieu of the historic term “best management practice”
(BMP). In the UK, “sustainable urban drainage systems” (SUDS) prevails, while
“stormwater devices” are employed in New Zealand.
2 The term “retention pond” may provide some confusion in this context. A “retention
pond” refers to a basin with a permanent pool of water, as opposed to a detention basin
which is dry between storm events. In either case, there is usually no signiicant mechanism
designed to reduce runoff volume, as both act as a bowl that ills and drains during a
storm event. In a retention pond, some evaporation may occur between storm events, but
the quantity is generally insigniicant compared to the total amount of storm low.
3 The calculation of an ARI relects the probability of a rainfall depth's occurrence (or it
being exceeded) in any given year. For example, a two-year ARI has a one in two, or 50
percent, chance of occurring in any given year. The spectral frequency analysis (percentile
calculations) relects an ordered ranking of rainfall depths. The calculations provide
different platforms for analysis and interpretation of long-term historical rainfall data.
4 A historical perspective on the evolution of typical stormwater management objectives is
found in Chapter 2 of Fassman-Beck et al. (2013).
Afoa, E. (2014). Environmental engineer, Morphum, email communication.
Aitkenhead-Peterson, J., Dvorak, B., Volder, A. and Stanley, N. (2010). Chemistry of Growth
Medium and Leachate from Green Roof Systems in South-Central Texas. Urban
Ecosystems , 14: 17-33.
Bengtsson, L. (2005). Peak Flows from a Thin Sedum-Moss Roof. Nordic Hydrology , 36 (3):
Berghage, R., Jarrett, A., Beattie, D., Kelley, K., Husain, S., Rezaei, F., Long, B., Negassi, A.,
Cameron, R. and Hunt, W. (2007). Quantifying Evaporation and Transpirational
Water Losses from Green Roofs and Green Roof Media Capacity for Neutralising
Acid Rain. National Decentralised Water Resources Capacity Development Project.
Pennsylvania State University. Available at:
10SG/04-DEC-10SG.pdf (accessed July 29, 2014).
Berretta, C., Poë, S. and Stovin, V. (2014). Moisture Content Behaviour in Extensive Green
Characteristics. Journal of Hydrology , 511: 374-386.
Berndtsson, J. (2010). Green Roof Performance towards Management of Runoff Water
Quantity and Quality: A Review. Ecological Engineering , 36: 351-360.
Berndtsson, J.C., Bengtsson, L. and Jinno, K. (2006). The Inluence of Extensive Vegetated
Roofs on Runoff Water Quality. Science of the Total Environment , 355 (1-3):
Berndtsson, J., Bengtsson, L. and Jinno, K. (2009). Runoff Water Quality from Intensive and
Extensive Vegetated Roofs. Ecological Engineering , 35: 369-380.
Bledsoe, B., Stein, E.D., Hawley, R.J. and Booth, D. (2012). Framework and Tool for Rapid
Assessment of Stream Susceptibility to Hydromodiication. Journal of the American
Water Resources Association , 48 (4): 788-808.
Bliss, D.J., Neufeld, R.D. and Ries, R.J. (2009). Storm Water Runoff Mitigation Using a Green
Roof. Environmental Engineering Science , 26: 407-418.
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