Agriculture Reference
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that enable them to carry out the construction of their trade-speciic work.
Shop drawings must be reviewed by the building design consultants and
approved before work on the elements speciied in the shop drawings can
Dry period : the period of time during which no precipitation occurs. In a living
roof environment, this is the critical time for evapotranspiration to take place.
Ecosystem services : the beneits obtained from ecosystems, including, for
example, climate regulation, water regulation and puriication, pollination,
food, fresh water, aesthetic services, recreation and amenity, cultural heritage,
soil formation, nutrient cycling, fuel and primary production.
Engineer, electrical : the design consultant responsible for the design and coor-
dination of all electrical systems in a built project. In a living roof project, the
electrical engineer's scope of work includes lighting, outlet layouts and layout
of any auxiliary electrical systems such as energy generation (e.g., photovoltaic
panels) and artiicial irrigation, among others.
Engineer, mechanical : the design consultant responsible for the design of all
plumbing and heating/ventilation systems. In a living roof project, the mechan-
ical engineer is often responsible for coordinating the size, location and
number of roof drains with the other design consultants. They are also
responsible for coordinating the design of artiicial irrigation (if needed).
Engineer, stormwater : design consultant with expertise in hydrology and
(usually) runoff water quality. The stormwater engineer should work with the
design team and product suppliers to ensure minimum criteria for stormwater
management are met, with particular emphasis on evaluating suitability of the
growing media's water holding capacity and permeability.
Engineer, structural : the design consultant responsible for the design of all
systems related to the structural integrity of a built project. Structural engi-
neers carry some of the greatest legal liabilities of all consultants, as their
work implicates the life-safety of the project's end users and maintenance
team. Structural engineers in most Western countries must be professionally
certiied or licensed.
Envelope consultant : design consultant hired to review the thermal integrity
and watertightness of a project. While the envelope consultant does not typi-
cally produce construction drawings, they counsel the design team on the use
and speciication of various layers to be used for any exterior wall, roof or
deck assembly.
Environmental footprint : a generally qualitative assessment (sometimes quan-
titative in speciic analyses) of the impact on the natural environment by
human development at various scales. The greater the environmental foot-
print of development, the greater the negative impact on the general health
of natural ecosystems.
Environmental site design (ESD) : a term used to describe development
projects that incorporate methods to prevent or minimize impacts to the envi-
ronment. It is often applied in the context of urban stormwater management.
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