Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Illustration 12: Mathematics as a barrier
A "sample" from a source on the signal processing. It contains an important statement on the relationship
between the time and frequency domain (WIENER-KHINTCHINE theorem). Up to now attempts to demon-
strate clearly such relationships without mathematics have not been successful. The formula shows the
dominance of mathematics; physics have been almost totally submerged. Only terms such as FOURIER
transform and power spectrum point to the physical basis. (Source:
This approach is not recognised by all scientists who are working with the theory of
signals, processes and systems. There are well-founded specialist topics in which the
words "physics" or "natural laws" do not even occur. Claude SHANNON's Information
theory - of fundamental importance for all modern Communications systems - is in
addition presented as a purely mathematical theory based only on statistics and the
calculus of probability and appears to have nothing to do with physics. This approach
appears to derive from the fact that the concept of information has not yet been properly
anchored in physics.
As for the reasons described above a "theory of Signal Processing & Systems" eschewing
paradisiacal (mathematical) possibilities should nevertheless be accessible and compre-
hensible, inevitably the question of other "tools" arises. Are words and texts adequate, for
example? Does language have the possibilities for conveying information ascribed to it in
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