Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Am p litud e
Stim m bandspektrum
Vocal cord-spectrum
Fre q u e n z
Re so n a n ze n
Am p litud e
Frequency response
of the mouth-pharynx -area
(Influence of the cavity-resonators )
Frequenzgang des M und-Rachenraum es
(Ein flu ß d e r "H o h lra u m re so n a to re n ")
Fre q u e n z
Fo rm a n te n
A m p litu d e
Audible sound -spectrum
Hörbares Schallspektrum
Fre q u e n z
Illustration 78: Resonances and formants
The "emphasis" or the resonance-based amplification of various frequency areas produces formants. Their
combination corresponds to the different vowels. The resonance chamber can as directed by the brain be
reduced or increased in size in many different ways. If this happens at one place only the formants change
or shift in different ways. There are three visible possibilities of changing the cavity resonator - with the
jaws, the back of the tongue and the tip of the tongue.
The true miracle is the systematic forming of the mouth and throat cavity as a cavity
resonator and the control of the air stream by the individual in such a way that acoustic
signals are produced which make possible communication between human beings. The
human child needs many years to learn to produce sequences of sounds and to attribute
specific meanings to them.
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